Dear Friends,

I’m beyond excited to introduce Parcel, an import company unlike any other in The Midwest. Wine is amazing. It is at once a tangible thing-- an agricultural product born of dirt and shaped over its life by the hands of farmers and winemakers until it makes its way into a bottle on the table, and an intangible experience-- a product defined as much by the atmosphere and company in which it is enjoyed as the grapes from which it is made. Parcel is about bringing together the tangible and intangible by connecting the wines we love with the people and places we love. 

The word “parcel” has a couple of meanings. First, it can refer to a plot of land: a very specific place on the globe with a longitude and latitude. Every bottle of wine comes from a unique parcel of land and becomes a snapshot of that place and time, full of information to be consumed with each sip. Travelling, experiencing these places, tasting the wine, eating the food, meeting the people, and sharing the stories behind the products we have to offer is what being an importer is all about. 

Parcel can also be defined as a piece of mail, a gift, or a physical correspondence-- a message or package sent from afar from one person to another. To me, Parcel represents both the beautiful, tangible pieces of land we can point to on a map, as well as the intangible qualities of adventure and gratitude associated with receiving a gift from a faraway place. We have some incredible wines for you and much more in store, but more importantly, we have stories to tell and adventures to share. 
